Each year, DreamYard’s Professional Development Department identifies one or two cultural themes for the year that acts as our Imperative and informs our work, projects, and student sharings. Each year’s theme pulls from our Bronx history and culture as well as DreamYard’s core values of Activate, Connect, Liberate, and Create. Some of our past imperative themes include: Black is Beautiful; We Are Who We’ve Been Waiting For; We’re Still Here; Nurture & Liberate; Connect & Liberate, and Activate.
Teaching Artists (TAs) are taught how to use the imperative for curriculum and project inspiration pulling from the Bronx’s own artistic history. TAs are given examples of past and present artists and are encouraged to bring their own art forms into the classroom to show as an embodiment of the imperative. Having TAs on staff that embodies and uphold our imperative, helps DY create authentic experiences that feel genuine and creative in the classroom.